幸福来敲门 台词,当幸福来敲门 台词有哪些

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发表于 2017-8-1 10:43:38 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

对于当幸福来敲门 ,相信我们都觉得非常的熟悉,毕竟好看的电影真的不多,所以对于当幸福来敲门 台词,当幸福来敲门 台词有哪些,我们都是非常熟悉的,但是可能要说完整的那可能就比较难一些。
有鉴于此,本次就为亲们分享文章:当幸福来敲门 台词,当幸福来敲门 台词有哪些
Christopher Gardner: I met my father for the first time when I was 28 years old. I made up my mind that when I had children, my children were going to know who their father was.
Christopher Gardner: 我第一次见到我父亲时,已经28岁了。我儿时就发誓将来我有了儿子,就要让他在儿时知道他的父亲是谁。
Christopher Gardner: Hey. Don't ever let somebody tell you... You can't do something. Not even me. All right?
Christopher Gardner:别让别人跟你说,你成不了才,即使是我,好么
Christopher: All right.
Christopher Gardner: You got a dream... You gotta protect it. People can't do somethin' themselves, they wanna tell you you can't do it. If you want somethin', go get it. Period.
Christopher Gardner:如果你有梦想的话。。。你就要去捍卫它。那些一事无成的人,他们会告诉你不行。但如果你有理想的话,就要去努力实现!就这样。
Martin Frohm: What would you say if a guy walked in for an interview......without a shirt on.....and I hired him? What would you say?
Martin Frohm:如果有个人连衬衫都没穿 就跑来参加面试,你会怎么想?而我最后还雇了这个人,你又会怎么想?
Christopher Gardner: He must have had on some really nice pants.
Christopher Gardner: 那他穿的裤子一定十分考究!
Christopher Gardner: Probably means there's a good chance. Possibly means we might or we might not.
Christopher Gardner:“很可能”是说去看比赛的几率很大.“有可能”是说可能去,可能不去"
Christopher: Okay.
Christopher: 明白了。
Christopher Gardner: So, what does probably mean?
Christopher Gardner:那“很可能”是什么意思?
Christopher: It means we have a good chance.
Christopher: 是指可能性很大
Christopher Gardner: And what does possibly mean?
Christopher Gardner:那“有可能”呢?
Christopher: I know what it means! It means we're not going to the game.
Christopher: 我知道是什么意思!就是我们“不”会去看比赛!
Christopher Gardner: It was right then that I started thinking about Thomas Jefferson on the Declaration of Independence and the part about our right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. And I remember thinking how did he know to put the pursuit part in there? That maybe happiness is something that we can only pursue and maybe we can actually never have it. No matter what. How did he know that?
Christopher Gardner: 那一刻,我想起了托马斯?杰斐逊在“独立宣言”中对生存权,自由权 以及追求幸福权利的描述。我一直在想,他是怎么知道要把“追求幸福” 那部分放进去的?也许幸福是只能去追求,但是却永远也追求不到。无论如何也追求不到的。他究竟是怎么知道的?
Christopher: Hey dad, you wanna hear something funny? There was a man who was drowning, and a boat came, and the man on the boat said "Do you need help?" and the man said "God will save me". Then another boat came and he tried to help him, but he said "God will save me", then he drowned and went to Heaven. Then the man told God, "God, why didn't you save me?" and God said "I sent you two boats, you dummy!"
Christopher: 嘿,爸,你想听些有意思的么?有天,一个人在水里快要淹死了,这时一只船过来问他“需要帮忙吗?”他回答说“不了,谢谢,上帝会救我的。”后来又有一只船过来问“需要帮忙吗?”他回答说“不了,谢谢,上帝会救我的。”后来他淹死了,上了天堂。他问“上帝啊,为什么你不救我?”上帝回答说 “我不是派2艘大船去了吗,笨蛋。”
Christopher Gardner: [voice-over] This part of my life... this part right here? This part is called "being stupid."
Christopher Gardner: 我人生的这一部分。。。就是现在这个部分?这个部分就做冒傻气。
Christopher Gardner: [voice-over] This part of my life... this part right here? This is called "happyness."
Christopher Gardner: 我人生的这个部分。。。就是当前的部分。它叫做幸福。
Reverend Williams: The important thing about that freedom train, is it's got to climb mountains. We ALL have to climb mountains, you know. Mountains that go way up high, and mountains that go deep and low. Yes, we know what those mountains are here at Glide. We sing about them.
Reverend Williams:重要的事情是关于自由列车,就如同翻山越岭。我们不得不面对险山砾石。山,有险峻也有低谷。没错,我们知道生活中的那些险峻是什么。。。在这,在格莱德,我们要用歌声讲述他。
"Lord,don't move that mountain
Give me strength to climb it
Please don't move That stumbling block
But lead me,Lord,around it
My burdens,they get so heavy
Seems hard to bear
But I won't give up No,no
Because you promised me
You'd meet me at the altar of prayer
Lord don't move that mountain
Please don't move that mountain
But give me strength to climb it"
上帝,别让险峻离开 # 请别让险峻离开
I'm the type of person,if you ask me a question, and I don't konw the answer,I'm gonna to tell you that I don't konw.But I bet you what: I konw how to find the answer, and I'll find the answer,.
以上为本次为亲们分享的文章“当幸福来敲门 台词,当幸福来敲门 台词有哪些”的详细内容,希望对亲们有所帮助!

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